
Name: Mary “Kaytlin” Pepper

Age: 21

Hometown: Dalton

High school: LaFayette High School

Major: Biology

Expected graduation date: May 2019

Why did you choose Dalton State? 我选择欧洲杯下注网址是因为我喜欢这里的小社区和班级规模. 当你去一所规模较小的学校时,你有机会真正了解你的教授和同龄人. DSC is also really affordable, which is a big help, and it’s close to home, 所以我可以在弟弟妹妹长大的过程中陪伴他们.

成为路跑族的一员对你来说意味着什么? 成为Roadrunner Nation的一员意味着成为一个大家庭的一员. I think that when you first start attending, it’s easy to go to class and then go straight home, or to hang out with your friends. 一旦你开始真正融入学校, however, by joining RSOs or even working on campus, 你就会意识到欧洲杯下注网址有多少机会. 直到我参与了住宿生活,我才完全意识到有这么多朋友可以结交, events to go to, and adventures to go on. 我在这里交了很多朋友,有很多很酷的经历, 我为欧洲杯下注网址在我剩下的时间里为我提供的机会感到兴奋.

What do you plan to do after graduation? 我计划继续深造,进入野生动物保护领域.

Who is/was your favorite professor and why? 对我大学生活影响很大的教授有. John Lugthart and Professor Chris Manis. 他们真的很关心自己的学生,在学生身上投入了很多时间, the Turtle Assurance Colony, undergraduate research, 以及社区和环境的整体福祉. 他们都是很棒的导师,我很幸运能和他们如此密切地合作.

Dr. 塞莱斯特·汉弗莱也是我最喜欢的教授之一. She is so insightful and open-minded. 和她讨论问题,倾听她的想法绝对是发人深省的. I would 10/10 endorse her for president one day.

What activities are you involved in on campus? 我是住宿生活办公室的一名学生工作者. 我在人民大厅的TAC做志愿者,我们在那里饲养和饲养濒临灭绝的海龟. 我也在校园小径上做欧洲杯下注网址蝾螈种群的研究,目前我们的小溪系统中有蝾螈.


你在欧洲杯下注网址最大的成就是什么? 我很荣幸地宣布,我获得了2016-2017年度瑞恩·艾伦·阿克里纪念奖学金, the Unsung Hero Award for 2016-2017, 道尔顿州立基金会2017-2018年度研究津贴, 2017-2018年度David Pennington III奖学金. 自从进入DSC以来,我每个学期都连续进入院长名单, 我认为被选为TAC成员是我在这里最珍贵的成就之一.

到目前为止,作为Roadrunner国家的一员,你最美好的记忆是什么? 在我成为Roadrunner的这段时间里,我最喜欢回顾的事情之一是2016年春天我参加的ASB之旅. 我们在新奥尔良呆了一个星期,见识了那里丰富的文化, 为一些很棒的组织做服务工作吗, get to know other DSC students better, and partake in some amazing food. It’s an experience I will never forget.

What is the last book you read? “Where Things Come Back” by John Corey Whaley

Favorite comfort food? My favorite food in the entire world is tamales. ©

Favorite line from a movie? “You’re killing me, Smalls!” –The Sandlot

What is your guilty pleasure? If we’re being honest, 谁不喜欢在漫长的一天里刷剧呢, binge-eating food, and being utterly unproductive? I do!

What is a skill you’d like to learn and why? 我一直想更好地学习西班牙语,并能说一口流利的西班牙语. Obviously in this area there is such a use for it, 只能和懂你第一语言的人说话,这让你与许多人和文化隔离开.

What cheers you up? 当我能在大自然中呆一会儿时,我总是感到高兴, whether it’s hiking, camping, hammocking, or even going to do my research at the creek.

What is your favorite book? “Looking for Alaska” by John Green

Who is your hero? My hero is my dad. He is the most selfless, hard-working, Christ-oriented person that I know, and I look up to him more than he will ever realize.

What is your favorite childhood memory? 我最美好的童年记忆是和祖父母坐在维拉诺的门廊上,看着蜂鸟在喂食器周围飞来飞去.

Where is your favorite place to eat? Kelly’s Restaurant

As a Roadrunner, how do you Run Boldly? 作为一名“路跑者”,我受到了极大的挑战. I have been challenged to work harder, strive higher, 比以往任何时候都更相信自己的能力. 当我决定要走的路,决定我想要的未来是什么样子的时候,我必须要大胆. 我勇敢地向前迈进,去争取我以前想象不到的机会. 我怀疑自己能否实现的目标也影响了我离开欧洲杯下注网址后的生活. 你就越能实现你从未想过的目标, the more you want to strive to accomplish next. 在我作为一名Roadrunner的时间里,我实现了梦想,实现了令我惊讶的目标. I can't wait to see what is up ahead.