
名称: 苏珊点

年龄: 25

家乡: 岩石的脸

高等学校: 西北惠特菲尔德高中

主要: 生物学

预计毕业时间: 2016年秋季

你为什么选择欧洲杯下注网址? 离家很近,价格实惠.

毕业后你打算做什么? 我打算继续读研究生. My main focus will be on wetland management and/or conservation ornithology.

你最喜欢的教授是谁,为什么? 这是个很难回答的问题. 我最喜欢的两位教授是Dr. 约翰·卢格哈特博士. 大卫DesRochers. They both are passionate about what they do and carry great enthusiasm and energy in their classes. I have worked with them both on research and other projects at 道尔顿状态 and they are great to work with. Dr. DesRochers is challenging me to think outside the box and problem solve. All of this has led to both educational and personal growth. Both professors believe in my potential and are encouraging, thoughtful mentors.

What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at 道尔顿状态? Since I began my research at 道尔顿状态 with Lakeshore’s bird and plant communities, I have had the opportunity to present my findings at two scientific conferences; Southeastern Ecology and Evolution Conference and Association of Southeastern Biologists. These conferences were not only stimulating and exciting opportunities to talk with other scientists my age about research, 同时也提供了宝贵的经验 

在专业场合展示我的研究. I was proud to represent 道尔顿状态 at these events and even won first place for undergraduate research poster at SEEC.

In addition, part of my research is to identify wetland plants called sedges and rushes. I was not expected to identify what species they were but to classify them to genus. I really wanted to know what species we have at the wetland and was told by several professionals that this would be no easy task. It certainly was not easy but has been challenging and enjoyable to identify these difficult wetland plants. I am in my second season of collection and found 13 species of sedges and one rush in the previous season. There will be additional species not previously collected to identify this season.

What are some of your favorite activities in and around Dalton? I enjoy hiking the 道尔顿状态 trails with family and friends. I have also recently taken up photography and love taking photographs of the different birds found at Lakeshore Park wetland.

What is your best memory so far as part of the 走鹃国家? 如果要我说出我在欧洲杯下注网址最美好的记忆, it would have to be the day I decided to make my major biology. 我在和Dr. DesRochers in his office for one of the first times and I was telling him about the difficulties I was having deciding on what major best suited me. 我总是, 在内心深处, wanted to be a field biologist but had told myself years ago I was not smart enough to be a scientist. He asked me what my interests were and when I was finished answering, 他笑着告诉我, “我只听到你说我喜欢生物学.” He then encouraged me to think about majoring in biology and I took his advice. 从那时起,我就督促自己做到最好. Because I believed in myself, I am now in a degree and conducting research I enjoy.

你最近读的一本书是什么? 我现在在读《欧洲杯下注网址》.”

最喜欢的安慰食物? 意大利面和丰盛的汤.

最喜欢的电影台词? “我觉得我被拒绝了,关键的,需要知道的信息.——《颤栗

你的罪恶快感是什么? 巧克力.

你最引以为豪的是什么? For a long time when it came to my college career I had my “blinders on” so-to-speak. I went to class and left, not really making friends or getting involved in anything. 自从我发现自己是生物学家, I have made many great friends and have been involved in: research at Lakeshore Park wetland, presentations at scientific conferences such as SEEC and ASB, and the partnership between 道尔顿状态 and Brookwood Elementary. I am proud of finally believing in myself and doing my best in college.

你想学习的技能是什么?为什么? 简洁. 我往往要花很长时间才能把我的观点讲清楚.

什么使你高兴?? 来自我丈夫的祝福和拥抱.

你最喜欢的书是什么? 我真的很喜欢《指环王》系列.

你最喜欢的童年记忆是什么? 我在农场长大,有很多动物可以玩. One of my favorite things to do was catch insects and reptiles.  

当你还是个孩子的时候,你想成为什么? 我想成为一名古生物学家.

What does it mean to you to be part of the 走鹃国家? For the first time in my life, I feel like I am doing what I am meant to. I have 道尔顿状态’s caring professors and students to thank for that. I have been asked specifically to work on projects and am honored to represent my college. I can proudly call myself a scientist thanks to the college and that is something I will carry with me all my life.