





退课或退学可能会导致你的经济援助暂停(见下文). Class attendance is monitored at the beginning of each term; students who never attend class(es) or stop attending will be considered unofficially withdrawn. 如果你退出,你可能需要偿还全部或部分援助, 官方或非官方, 从你的课堂上. 如果你获得了后来被取消或取消的课程的经济资助, 你可能欠财政援助项目的钱. 还款可能需要除财政援助以外的资金. 如果发生这种情况,并且账单超过120天未付, a third party collection agency will be used and the debtor will also become liable for any collection costs.

Check with the 学生资助办公室 before dropping classes to determine how the drop or withdrawal may affect your financial aid. 完整的财政援助退出政策可在 学生资助办公室 以及欧洲杯下注网址的招生目录.


There are no refunds for course reductions (dropping classes) by the student after the official Drop/Add period.

退款按注册和支付的小时数计算, 并在, 但不迟于, 学期结束了, 前提是没有发生异常情况. 因纪律原因被停学的学生无权退款. 寻求帮助, 联系你的学术顾问, 招生服务办公室, 或商务办事处.

退款是由学生主动发起的. 正式宣布,所有班级全部退课 会导致以下详细的退款计算. 学校官员取消课程也可能导致学费退还.

取款退款是通过执行时间表调整表来处理的, 指退出所有课程的.

在删除/添加期结束前退款为100%. The refund amount for students withdrawing from the Institution will be based on a pro rata percentage determined by dividing the number of calendar days in the semester that the student completed by the total calendar days in the semester. 一个学期的日历天数包括周末, but excludes scheduled breaks of five days or more days and days that a student was on an approved leave of absence. The unearned portion will be refunded up to the point in time that the percentage of the term attended equals 60%.

Students who withdraw from the Institution when the calculated percentage of the term completed is greater than 60% are not entitled to a refund of any portion of Institution charges.

The refund of tuition and other mandatory fees in the event of the death of a student during the academic session is processed upon notification.


接受联邦财政援助的学生, who do not pass any courses and who do not officially withdraw from the College are considered "unofficially withdrawn." The following procedures are used to determine if students never attend class and/or withdraw unofficially, 并决定偿还援助项目的款项.


Faculty members are reminded by the 注册商 to check class rosters at the end of the initial A, B和C会话删除/添加周期. Faculty report changes to their class rosters, including students who have never attended class.
持有财政援助, 如果还没有释放给学生, 不参加一个或多个课程的学生. 学生将被告知,在班级出勤率得到验证之前,经济援助将被暂停.
所有教员向教务长报到后, 不上课的学生将重新计算联邦助学金。. 联邦奖学金调整为只支付学生参加的课程. 这种调整可能导致减少发放的援助和(或)失去赠款, 奖学金或贷款基金. 如果考勤表显示学生从未上过课, 所有联邦财政援助都被取消.

The college returns aid to the financial aid programs and bills the student for funds received for classes never attended. 还款也可能需要财政援助以外的资金. 如果发生这种情况,并且账单超过120天未付, a third party collection agency will be used and the debtor will also become liable for any additional collection costs.


The 注册商 creates an exception report of all federal financial aid recipients with al "F", "U", "W", "WF", 和/或“NR”等级, 并将非正式退学的学生通知经济援助办公室.
如果不知道最后出席日期, 假定它是会话的50%点- A, B或C(联邦法规允许). Exception: students reported on the non-attending list are dropped at 100% from those classes.
一旦撤资日期确定, the 金融援助 Office calculates the amount that must be returned to federal aid programs by the college and the student, 根据联邦法规和大学政策. 有关详细信息,请参阅下文的标题IV基金返回政策.



The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 and the Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005 set forth regulations governing the treatment of Title IV funds (联邦佩尔助学金, 聪明的格兰特, 学术竞争力补助金(ACG), 联邦补充教育机会补助金(SEOG), 联邦补贴斯塔福德贷款, 联邦无补贴斯塔福德贷款, 和联邦PLUS),当学生完全退出一个机构.

When a student withdraws during a period of enrollment in which he/she has begun attendance and has received federal Title IV financial aid, 欧洲杯下注网址 is required to determine the amount of earned and unearned Title IV aid. A student is eligible to retain the percentage of Title IV aid disbursed or that could have been disbursed that is equal to the percentage of the enrollment period completed by the student (calculated daily). 不包括连续五天或五天以上的计划休息时间. 未获得的第四章援助必须归还给适当的联邦援助计划。. 如果学生完成了60%以上的注册期, 不需要归还第四章的援助.

The following steps are followed when determining the amount of Title IV aid to be returned upon the student's withdrawal.

  1. Determine institutional charges and the amount of Title IV (federal aid) disbursed to the student for the semester. 机构收费包括学费、杂费和书店费用.
  2. 确定学生完成注册期的百分比. Divide the number of days attended by the number of days in the enrollment period (excluding scheduled breaks of five or more consecutive days). 如果计算的百分比超过60%, 那么学生已经获得了入学期间的所有第四章资助.
  3. Calculate the amount of earned and unearned Title IV aid based on the percentage of the enrollment period attended by the student.
  4. 由学校和学生返还第四章资金. 欧洲杯下注网址 will return unearned Title IV aid up to an amount that is equal to the total allowable institutional charges for the payment period multiplied by the percentage of the Title IV aid that was unearned. 如果学生只获得联邦斯塔福德贷款, 学生不需要偿还不劳而获的联邦援助, 原贷款偿还协议的条款和条件将适用. 获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生, SEOG, 聪明的格兰特, or 学术竞争力补助金 must repay the portion of the original grant overpayment that is in excess of half of the total Title IV grant funds received by the student. 如果在收到通知后的45天内未将这笔款项偿还给学院, 多付的款项将交由美国教育部收取, 并且该学生将丧失将来获得第四章或乔治亚州立大学经济援助的资格. At this point, the student must work with the Department of Education to resolve the overpayment.
  5. 道尔顿状态 will return unearned Title IV funds to federal programs in the following order:
    1. 联邦无补贴学生贷款
    2. 联邦资助学生贷款
    3. 联邦PLUS贷款
    4. 联邦佩尔助学金
    5. 学术竞争力补助金
    6. 国家智慧基金联邦SEOG
    7. 有关标题IV政策的更多信息, 请与学生经济援助办公室联系 经验丰富的服务 at 706-272-4545.